Elijah McCoy


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Elijah McCoy was an inventor and engineer who made significant contributions to the field of mechanical engineering. He was born in 1843 in Colchester, Ontario, Canada, to escaped slaves from Kentucky. His parents, who had fled to Canada to escape slavery, encouraged their children to pursue an education and Elijah excelled in his studies.

After completing his education, McCoy began working as a machinist's apprentice. He quickly developed a reputation as a skilled and talented engineer and was eventually hired by the Michigan Central Railroad as a fireman and oiler. In this role, he was responsible for lubricating the steam engines that powered the trains.

It was while working for the railroad that McCoy developed his most significant invention: a lubrication system for trains and steam engines. His system, which used an automatic lubricator to continuously oil the moving parts of the engine, was a major improvement over the manual lubrication systems that were in use at the time. The system was widely adopted and became known as the "real McCoy," leading to the phrase "the real McCoy" meaning the genuine article.

In addition to his work on the lubrication system, McCoy developed a number of other important inventions, including a folding ironing board, a lawn sprinkler, and a portable air compressor. He was granted over 50 patents for his inventions and was recognized as one of the most important inventors of his time.

McCoy's contributions to the field of mechanical engineering have had a lasting impact, and he is remembered today as one of the most important African American inventors in history. His inventions have helped to shape the world we live in today and will continue to be used and valued for generations to come.

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Black Wall Street Thrived

How the greatest black community thrived before its dismantling

Black Wall Street, also known as Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was a bustling hub of African American-owned businesses during the early 20th century. It was a thriving community that served as a model for other African American business districts across the country.

One of the key factors that contributed to the success of Black Wall Street was the strong sense of community that existed among its residents. Despite facing widespread discrimination and segregation, the people of Greenwood Avenue were able to come together and support one another's businesses. This sense of community was not just limited to the business owners, but extended to the consumers as well, who made a conscious effort to shop at and support their neighbors' businesses.

Another factor that contributed to the success of Black Wall Street was the high level of innovation that was present within the community. Many of the businesses on Greenwood Avenue were able to thrive because they were able to offer unique products or services that their competitors could not. For example, the Dreamland Theater was the first movie theater in the city to show "race films," which were specifically made for African American audiences. These films were a hit and helped to drive business to the Dreamland Theater.

Additionally, the businesses on Black Wall Street were able to form strong partnerships with each other, which allowed them to pool their resources and work together to create a more competitive market. This was especially important for businesses that faced discrimination from their white counterparts, as it allowed them to build a strong and self-sufficient community that was able to withstand economic challenges.

Overall, Black Wall Street was a remarkable example of the power of innovation and community in the face of adversity. Despite facing widespread discrimination and segregation, the businesses on Greenwood Avenue were able to thrive and become a model for other African American business districts across the country.

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